Posts in in bloom sessions
the heart always knows, in bloom session 11 with Kate Schubert: mothers day special.

‘The heart always, always knows. Move to the people that also know this and allow them to co-create your sense of self. Some people will never understand and this is ok: they aren’t bad people for it and they don’t mean to overstep boundaries. It just allows us to see a lot clearer and if we take responsibility for our own boundaries. From this space we really start to hold a compassionate state for others from a deeper realm.’

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big heart & big dreams in the big smoke: In Bloom Session 10 with Telissa Ryder

‘Your head will help you make the smart decision. Your heart with help you make the right one. We weren’t put here on this earth to all be following the same path and achieving the same things at the same time. Celebrate your individuality & quirks and use that to make your imprint on the world, whatever that may be.’

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