yoga, everywhere & in everything: in bloom - session 1 with Elisa Moga

I met Elisa on the beautifully contradictory world of Instagram. A fellow yogi, passionate about living her best life all the way from France. It was an instant connection & I just loved her daily nuggets of insight & realism all to do with living a life of courageous alignment.


We first connected on Instagram after Elisa had reposted some of my prose. I was in Melbourne at the time, planning the move to Mid-North New South Wales to live the quiet, connected, coastal dream with my loves & she was planning travel to Australia, starting in Cairns & making her way down the coast. & stars aligned.

This was the shoot that birthed the idea of Bloompress into the world. I wanted to create more opportunity to shoot from the heart. I purely just shot what was already there & I am very proud of how these images really show Elisa on a deeper level. Enjoy her amazing insights in our interview together!



What did you want to be when you grew up?

As a multi-passionate child, I grew up with many dreams and ideas of what I wanted to become.

I wanted to be a singer, then a journalist to share the truth with the people, then a videographer to create magic and relate the beauty around me, then an adventurer not to be afraid of anything and to discover the world…

What has all along followed me is the love for writing. Poetry, stories, essays, you would always find me with a pen in hand, determined to expose my feelings through words.


So, I guess, I am all of this in little ways now.

3 words to describe your now-season?




What is it that inspires your creations / you?

Everyday life’s beauty.
Walking with some jazzy music or self-growth podcast in my ears.
The trees and their flowing movements.
Observing, silently, the nature around me.
Smiling to strangers and observing the social interactions (including mine).
Books, full of words and beliefs.
Cities, full of growing ideas and lights.
The dancing shadows through the leafs.
The moon, so elegant and powerful.
The wonderful landscapes of tropical countries I would love to explore.
My lover, such a wise and talented entrepreneur. A man and a spirit who I love so much.
Myself, improving everyday through the experiences and feelings I welcome.

The desire to be inspired while channeling inspiration for others. Life is an on-going co-creation.

5 words to describe YOU?



What most people wouldn’t really know about you?

Exactly what they don’t know about themselves or at least, what is so difficult to meet : we are not our thoughts. Our real self is deeper.

What lights you up?

Creating movement within art: photography, poetry, essays, dancing...
Connecting with inspiring people who want to be the change in the/their world.
Waking up every morning with a powerful and positive feeling I am aligned with my desire to see the beauty and the spiritual lessons in every little detail in life.
Doubts light me up through their capacity to guide me along my own path.
Fear lights me up, through all the desires they are hiding that I want to explore.
Yoga lights me up. It gives the ability to create space within myself to improve all the beautiful ideas I/we can create.
Love lights me up.
Life lights me up.

Do you manage a day-job-hustle? How do you find that balance / life balance?

I am in a wonderful season of travel currently so (even if when travelling I do not always find places to teach easily), my work right now is based on simply taking care of myself. As I do teach yoga as a full-time job, the purpose is precisely to find or create this balance. Teaching can be very challenging sometimes while bringing a huge opportunity to take care of myself all day long.

Something I am loving at the moment is cooking homemade healthy meals, writing, practicing sport and yoga, reading and respecting my inner rhythm is where I find balance while I don’t have the pressure of a day job.

I love going to bed very early (9:30pm) and wake up early too as I have a loooong morning routine to take care of myself before starting the ‘professional’ day.


Where are you being called towards in future?

To continue travelling, either in the outer world and in my inner own self. I have soooo many ideas and projects, that I do not want to think so much about the future! My thoughts have a way of flying too far into the future sometimes, so I am trying to bring it back to the discovery of the moments travel brings me. As I wrote in one of my blog posts, « today builds tomorrow ».

I want to teach more classes, to run some retreats and workshops (moon rituals, living with the seasons, yoga philosophy…) and I also want to publish a poetry book – which is a big step for me! In both French and English.

I am looking forward to discovering all the incredible surprises of life.

Anything you are working on within yourself right now?

As I am travelling through Australia this year, I learn day by day to recreate and initiate real solid rituals to feel home everywhere (and anywhere). Feeling safe, loved and enough as a woman and as a being.

I also grow my self-confidence and let go any unnecessary tensions everyday a bit more to finally listen to my inner deep voice to be authentic and sustainable in what I want to share with the world.

What is most coming forward / blooming within you currently?

The call to live HERE AND NOW. Of course I am glad to let my creativity grow, while being sure that I do not want to run. I want to live deeply each moment. To allow myself to explore new parts of myself, to be an artist, a creative - so the thousands of ideas I already had are welcomed in & explored.

I have been modelling, more and more to improve my self-esteem and spread a powerful wave of acceptance to my community. Writing more poetry as it becomes a intense way to be fulfilled for me : I really feel in flow when I write poetry.

A little piece of advice for anyone following their the non-linear whispers of their heart in this linear world?

Wow, I LOVE the way you ask this question!

…to be true to yourself. Not to respond to the world the way you are supposed to (by social pressure, family expectations, fears…)

but to choose spontaneity and truthfulness with yourself. Listen to your own desires and making sure you satisfy them before listening to the outer world.

You can find Elisa on Instagram at @elywaby
& on her wonderful blog:
