1:1 Creative attunement CONTAINER

Transformational work to access the power that you have always held within you. A reclaiming of the space of your own life & essence, through a stable, steady & safe 3 month container. Rebirth & Renewal. Endings & Beginnings, working with the planet Pluto. Bringing in the stars above & the Earth below to find your own middle way.

A loving ear, and a playful receptive heart to meet you where you are – as well as the ground and capacity to go to the depths when they naturally grace us, as well as a deepening of trust the future that is not yet here yet. A place to take a deep breath together, land, be, come home. A place to integrate, to let go, to make room. A place to grow in awareness around your power & a support to face your fears head on in order to overcome any obstacle that comes your way.


Session Packages




Creating the capacity for depth & authenticity within.

+ 3 Months
+ 90 minute sessions
+ 1 Pluto Reading (Month 1) & 2 Integration Sessions (Month 2 & 3)
+ Client portal & signal chat to support you between sessions
+ Access to personalised integration resources
+ This package does not include a photoshoot



Holding you in sacredness through the shifting ground of transformation.

+ 3 months
+ 90 minute sessions
+ 1 Pluto Reading (Month 1), 1 Integration Session (Month 2) 1 Empowerment Photoshoot (Month 3)
+ Client portal & signal chat to support you between sessions
+ This package includes a photoshoot at the end to anchor in this transformation
+ The order of things may change depending on what is needed


Potential doorways

This work is personal to each individual, and it truly is you that informs and guides the sessions that we share together. The potential for where we may be guided is endless, whilst in the moment it remains simple, clear and slow without veering off in all directions. These are just different expressions of where it may go. It really does just depend on where your true needs lie in the present moment, sessions will take the form of the medicine that is actually needed. For example if you are needing to have a laugh and are taking it all a bit too seriously, we may not go deep into your birth chart–rather just hang out together and have a laugh.

+ Inner Child Healing
+ Meeting yourself where you are
+ Creative Expression & Authenticity
+ Intimacy / Relationship with Self, Other, Land, Communities, Animals, Plants
+ Mirror Work
+ Natal Chart (Cosmic) Exploration
+ Earth Based Rituals, Ceremonies & Practices
+ Emotional Embodiment & Integration
+ Cyclical Alchemy
+ Inner-Authority, Sacred Internal Boundaries & Personal Responsibility
+ Re-claiming your rightful place as a Creator
+ Turning your Shadows toward the Light
+ Bringing more sacredness into your life
+ Vulnerability & Power
+ Exploring your unique Soul medicine & gifts
+ Receiving the medicines & gifts of others, the land, animals, winged ones, & most importantly: your own Spirit
+ Growing & Cultivating care, understanding, generosity & compassion for Self
+ Conversations with your own Spirit
+ Liberation from the patterns that keep you stuck
+ Creative Practice & Process
+ Unlocking your inner Artist, Child & Lover



“Working with Jessi has honestly been exactly what I needed,

She delivered grounded, tangible, and channeled messages and her own guidance and wisdom.

It was really beneficial for me, and came in the perfect time.

- Joanna Hunt – Intuitive Energetic Healer, Medium & Facilitator.

Application form