I am the rain, fluctuating intensity + cleansing
I am the stars, all & nothing all in one
my chest is naked even when clothed.
the silhouette of my body is perfect art
my fingertips cast magic with tingling intention
& every time i write his spine with my touch,
I imagine stars falling out of my body’s ends,
whispering tales of what it means to truly come home.
my words are spells on those i love.
my thoughts, spells on myself.
& I am water leaking through an old ceiling
the world exploring my structural cracking
always open, everyday left again explored
like the most soulful, spirited traveler.
& yet I am the clouds that cover my inner sun
forgetting over & over again of everything i already am
& my favourite part is the remembering,
the calling all parts back to my real self.
I am a child with fresh eyes exploring every colour
& a heart that starts again moment to moment
I am everything in my tangible, blossoming form
& nothing when I look closely enough - just incredibly vast space.