What is evolutionary astrology?

Astrology is the study of the interaction between celestial bodies and how they affect our lives here on the earth plane. Everything in the universe is essentially on the deepest level made up of vibration-we are vibrational beings. Everything in the universe is innately inter-connected - therefore whatever is experienced in the celestial bodies is automatically experienced within human consciousness. The endless Universe down to the smallest cell in our bodies & beyond is all made up of the energy. The solar system is a circulating, rhythmic field within the greater universe itself, emitting frequencies at different pitches. Being vibrational beings, we are innately connected & receptive to these vibrations, playing into our lives physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. In yoga we would call this working through the Kosha’s, or energetic sheaths (layers) of the body.

The planets in our solar system all move in their own pace, all with their own lessons to teach us in unique ways. We can see through our natal chart, our very own unique blueprint of how these energies circulate through our lives & through becoming aware of them we can work with the chart to be in ‘flow’ with life rather than in ‘force’ & ‘suffering.’ Astrology believes that we are not ‘blank tapes’ & that we ultimately come in knowing & with something already playing out & written within the divine fabric. This makes us intrinsically woven vibrationally into the entire rhythm of life itself. The Natal Chart gives us the insight into what is written in our energetic make up. Through the natal chart we discover our souls purpose, evolution & lessons in this lifetime. It helps us to remember, what we already innately know.

Evolutionary Astrology - the form of astrology I practice - ultimately functions off the knowing that it’s up to us as humans, what we do with the information we access within the vibrational field.


Western Astrology dates back to the Sumerians around 4,000 BCE but came to the forefront by the Babylonians around 1650BCE where planets were revered and treated as Gods. Astrology was also being recognised in India, China and by the Mayans around these times and there are even some traces of celestial cycles carved in stone as far back as 25,000BCE. In time, Egypt, Greece and eventually Rome began taking Astrology very seriously. Egypt creating the first effective time keeping calendar and Claudius Ptolemy, during the first century AD wrote the earliest concise astrological texts.

Astrology flourished throughout the Middle Ages and Medieval Europe as a means of 'fortune telling'. Astrologers were respected as wise mathematicians who could predict one's fate and only accessible to the royal and the elite. The way we use Astrology is from the Earth's perspective, as this is where we live. So, the fact that we spin around the Sun rather than vice versa makes no difference. The rise of psychology and theosophical studies in the late 19th Century pulled Astrology into the spotlight. Carl Jung used Astrology as a means of distinguishing psychological archetypes and spiritualist Alan Leo began to use Astrology on the level of the soul's journey. 




“Having a session with Jessi has created new possibilities for me beyond measure, in simply being able to own parts of my soul that I have repressed. Since the session I have been feeling so much alignment, with the force of all that was covered in the session creating new doorways and openings to a deeper understanding of myself. Jessi has effortlessly given permission to my heart for all she wants to create & I feel deeply seen and inspired to unleash my creative power and potential.” - Kiena

“Working one on one with Jessi was such an incredibly enriching and integrative experience. I felt safe, held and totally heard. Her capacity to speak from a different place which offered none of her own intentions or ego is a rare gift. I highly recommend over and over again. Life changing.” - Jess