In Parallels – Short Film

In Parallels - Short Film

Personal Creative Project

A short film created by Jessi about the way we grip to things, love & our external world. A moving short about trust, betrayal, and the expansion which love–and our wounds–offers us, if we are able to find the hidden silver linings. 

You can scroll down to watch the film.

if you put your
hand out in dreams
i promise i will hold it
& your weight in earth
will never bare cold alone
sand forever fills fingertips
the strings in my heart
travel kilometres to find
the footsteps you take
among the canopy
& i don’t need to see you
to know you are here
heart strings weave our bodies
separate in a most
grown & together way
supple like flowing water
which can never be gripped
or held as our own
in the palm of a heart
i can only feel you here now
between each breath
my sternum breaks
of lungs full of
a love so subtle
so earth shattering
& i will never walk
alone again

FilmJessi Simpson